Saturday, October 24, 2009

oak and chainsaw....

I got a couple logs of oak to make some gifts for Linda D.  One of the logs was pretty decayed on the outside but the inside is looking good...I think it is red oak... The other I think is white.  I split them up when I got them on friday and then the chainsaw started acting up... Got one half of the red cut to size and roughed out.   Today I bought a spark plug, sharpened the chain and cut the other to size.  there is a branch that will make nice character...   I rounded it out and have it sitting is shavings waiting to get hollowed out tomorrow.   Need to find out how to keep chainsaw running..... 

I need to finish the bottoms of 2 bowls...cherry from Deb M. wood and Box elder ...with some character...  I bought some acrylic finish to try and avoid box elder from yellowing...lets see what happens..

Thursday, October 15, 2009

potter county timbers

Went to State College last weekend to see some PSU football and to see the Smails.  Pat and Nancy had some trees taken down a month or so ago... They had 4 logs for me ....2 ash and 2 beech...I have already messed up an ash blank...bummer..  I have been having trouble with the curve at the bottom and got too close, tried to fix it and boom...  I have 3 rough turned bowls though...hoping to get some to come out...  Saving some of the cutoffs on the sides, maybe an ornament or bottle stoppers... I would like to get them something nice...maybe for all the members of the family...

These two pictures are from the beech and the growth around damage and then growing around it... the marks below the growth were a little punky but not too bad..  in the roughed out bowl i soaked it with CA.  The wood  at the barkless area was  dark from exposure but not deep at all  Wood turned nicly, waiting to see how it checks, moves...  hope to get some turning done this weekend.  sure wish I could cut down on the sanding by having a good finishing cut...