Thursday, August 26, 2010

This is an oak bowl about 10 inches across and about 3 inches tall.  After a trip to a class reunion, I was asked by someone there to sell her a bowl for an auction to benefit her church.  She said that she would look at my facebook and figure out what she liked.  I looked to see what was in my todo pile.  I found this bowl and finished it.  It is oak and I have come into some oak lately and I had not done much with it before.  I like a lot of features of it and not sure it all works together.   

I took some pictures to make a card to go with the bowl.  I had put some plastic pipe together to make a portable photo booth.  When I tried before, the pictures did not come out too well.  I thought that I would start to get better at shooting my work.  I like some of these but think I can do better....  I am working on a Vicki bowl (posts to come later, but getting close enough to mention ;) and I want to get some good shots with it.  I posted these first two shots on WoodCenteral hoping to get some tips from people that know what they are doing.  I didn't post the last shot because that is the part of the bowl (and shot) I am least excited about.

I donated the bowl, hoping to get the shipping back and I hope it will bring a reasonable price for them. Not sure what the market is in Hamburg, PA but I am excited to hear about it.

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